Reise in die Anderwelt – The Brendan Voyage

Paid by the city of Worms, Rüdiger Oppermann produced “The Brendan Voyage – Reise in die Anderwelt”, which was presented at Tollhaus yesterday, well, a couple of minutes ago :) .

We enjoyed the concert as we did concerning the other Oppermann concerts during the last years. I’d like to thank the Tollhaus and Rüdiger for the ongoing great collaboration.

Before the concert, Rüdiger shared some insight of the european history. He stated that the proselytization of the Upper Rhine Plain, including the monastery of Wissembourg, didn’t happen caused by Rome, but by irish people. His next project will thus concentrate on the early music of this area rather than bringing us music from all over the world.

I’m eagerly waiting of what Rüdiger will bring us during the next year.